Saturday, June 27, 2020

Choices have consequences

Every decision you made today may have impact on you and the people you decide for-both in the short and the long run- Effective leaders do not make decisions hastily, based on their emotions and personal interests, but make decisions using decision making process while consulting all the concerned parts and those their decisions will have an effect. It’s equally important to weigh all the pros and cons of your decisions.
Comparing your options and choosing the right one is fundamental requirement in decision making process. If you don’t have the ability to choose one from two bad options, then you are not a decision maker. If you don’t have the ability to decide, then you are not a leader. If you are not a leader, perhaps, you are like a shipmaster without navigation. Obviously, your ship will eventually flounder and drowns.

In Somalia’s context, every decision we made today will have either direct or indirect influence on generations to come. The country is gradually recovering from 21 years of dictatorship, 30 years of brutal civil war, failed state and anarchism. We are in the process of state building where every government level has a role to play.

In this critical time, the decision-making process is equally important as the decisions you are making. If you don’t have the ability to include the process to all stakeholders, or you are intentionally denying them to have their say, then you are making bad decisions and the choices will have bad consequences. Think twice!

Mohamed Baldho

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Maxaan Ka Welwallaynaa?

Marka hore ila daawo akhrina laba sawir oo midna xaaladda #Puntland ka hadlayo midna shirka #Djibouti. Marka xiga hoos u raac oo ila akhri qoraalkaan aan uga faallooday shirka #Djibout.

Waxa ina welwel gelinaya ma ahan in Soomaali heshiiso ee waxa ina welwel gelinayaa in aanay ha’adaheenii dowliga ahaa aqoon waxa #Djibouti ka socda iyo sababta ay u aadeen madaxdii sare ee dalku.

Waxaa ina welwel gelinaya in #Djibouti ay ka soo baxaan go’aamo saamayn mustaqbal ku yeesha mandiqadda Geeska Africa, kuwaas oo lagu wax yeelaynayo jiritaanka, midnimada iyo mustaqbalka ummadda Soomaaliyeed.

Waxaan ognahay in Maraykanku labo ujeedo oo kaliya ka leeyahay mashruuca Is-dhexgalka Geeska Africa (Horn of Africa Integration program):

a)     In uu halkaa ka waardiyeeyo China iyo Ruushka uuna Geeska oo dhan ku soo koobo hal boton oo uu marna xiro marna furo.

b)    In uu halkaa ka xoojiyo mashruuca la dagaalanka argagixisada.

Waxaad moodaa go’aamo badan oo quseeya masiirka #Somalia in dowladda Maraykanku gaarto. Tusaale ahaan, in Madaxweynaha Somalia casumo madaxda dowladaha xubnaha ka ah dowladda federalka oo la filayo in dhawaan xarunta Xalane shir uga furmo, in aqoonsi ku meel gaar ah la siiyo Ahmed Madoobe si uu shirkaas uga soo qeybgalo iyo in dhammaan go’aamadaan soo baxaan inta aanu furmin shirka Djibouti.

In go’aamada masiiriga ah ee dalkaaga ay qaataan dowlado shisheeye waa waxa ugu weyn ee dadka Soomaalida ah cabsigelinaya, isla markaasna abuuraysa welwelka ah maxaa shirka #Djibouti ka soo bixi doona.

Nasiib darada ugu weyn, waxay haysataa xukuumadda #Puntland oo korkeeda ciyaar farsamaysan lagu dheelay iyo iyadii oo ku guul darraysatay in ay hesho xogta shirka #Djibouti oo ay kala mid ahayd shacabka Soomaaiyeed ilaa iyo hadana kala mid ah.

Cabsidu ma ahan in Soomaalidu heshiiso iyo in wax weyn oo lama filaan ah la isku quuro waana istaahillaa taa. Cabsidu waa in ay dhacaan wax weyn oo aayaha iyo mustaqbalka jiritaanka Somalia khatar ku ah.

Aynu rajeyno guul taxaddar huwan.

Mohamed Baldho